Support Us

Becoming a supporter of Stagville allows us to add your name to a list of people who support the Stagville Foundation and our mission to preserve Historic Stagville. We use this list when applying for government grants and funding.

 We appreciate your support! >>Donate<<

To Preserve and Educate

The Historic Stagville Foundation is an all-volunteer, 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.  It has a volunteer Board of Directors, and several volunteer committees which focus on specific issues such as events, recruiting docents, site interpretations and acquisitions, Stagville’s historic buildings, Foundation membership, and fundraising for special projects.  If you have an interest in volunteering as a tour guide at Stagville, or becoming involved with one of our committees, please contact us.

We would also like to invite you to become involved by making a financial contribution to the Historic Stagville Foundation.  Regardless of whether you decide to become a member of the Foundation, please remember that donations and gifts of any size and amount are always welcome.  We would also like to invite you to consider Historic Stagville when planning memorials, if giving to a charity is preferable to flowers.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Historic Stagville Foundation, please contact the site.

The Mission

The mission of the Historic Stagville Foundation is to assist Historic Stagville in preserving and interpreting southern plantation history.

Your Role

As Historic Stagville’s official fundraising partner, the Stagville Foundation ensures appropriate funding to facilitate efforts to preserve and protect Historic Stagville’s many invaluable architectural and cultural assets.  The Foundation also raises funds for educational programs that are beyond the financial capacity of the NC Department of Cultural Resources.

Membership Benefits

  • Invitations to special members-only social events and tours.
  • Access to outstanding activities and programs
  • Reduced registration fees for workshops and courses.
  • Receipt of our official newsletter The Key.
  • A 20% discount on books and gifts.
  • Opportunities to volunteer and be involved with one of our state’s most significant historic sites.